The reason this world is the way it is? In a nutshell, yourself. Quite literally, your idea of self. That you are separate from anything you see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and sense. That is it, all you need to point a finger at is your self.
Here is why. You were born of two parents carrying separate sets of DNA. DNA is not able to be fabricated from scratch. DNA is an evolved blueprint or template. DNA can be manipulated, but that is more copy and paste until you like the result. So, two parents created you and are the first physical contact you have with intention, attention, and manifestation. Also, two parents began this creation. There was a one, that was divided into two. This world has some inhabitants that point to and call that all powerful god...with a big G. That all powerful god is real. Was created as a mirror of Heaven, Nirvana, Great Spirit, Source, Great Mind, Paradise/Jannah, the ALL or any of the other names associated within all the traditions and literature.
That god split into two and then, had a mate. This mate was the perfect opposite because half of god was needed to create a second. Had to be an exact opposite because that is what worked to fuel desire. Think of positive and negative parts to a magnet. How they attract. Take the need to be whole or one again and watch those two crazy kids try to put themselves back together even though they cannot break the barriers of their container. Why do this? Because mind was at play. This was not intended, but as mind matures so does the imagination and more and more is created. Here is the kicker, that god is inside all of you making the reality you experience during every moment. Oh wait! I lost my place, sorry. Intention, Attention, and Manifestation.
Intention means what you mean to bring about or happen. Attention means the act or state of applying the mind to something. Mind means the element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons; the conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism; the organized conscious and unconscious adaptive mental activity of an organism. Manifestation means to make something materialize. That sounds weird.
Let’s take a second on manifestation so everything is clear. There is no magic and nothing appears out of thin air within our three dimensional reality with a big POOF sound. What happens is, something is imagined and enough time is spent assembling what will constitute, or make up, the physical representation within this three dimensional reality. This is not to say that it might appear as magic for you, but someone had to make the object appear before it magically appeared to be owned/possessed by you.
For this, I want to thank all of those that have intended and placed your attention towards the revealing of the things that I am about to make manifest right here. These things are answers to questions people have been pouring their intention and attention into for many years. The answers are coming even if I don’t say anything, but given the information, I would rather be the one to deliver the news so everything can change/move on.
Science has found that we are all made up of particles. It has been expressed that all we can physically experience is a vibration. What is a vibration? Merriam_Webster defines a vibration as a periodic motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium in alternately opposite directions from the position of equilibrium when that equilibrium has been disturbed (as when a stretched cord produces musical tones or molecules in the air transmit sounds to the ear).
Let’s define alternate next. Alternate is defined as occurring or succeeding by turns. Such as a day of alternate sunshine and rain. Or, to be arranged first on one side and then on the other at different levels or points along an axial line (a plant with alternate leaves). To compare opposites. To be arranged one above or alongside the other alternate layers of brick and stone.
To be alive is to be animate, have energy. Energy has many definitions it appears. Mostly to be active or to store something that is shared by a system. Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vorticies of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating. Matter, at it’s tiniest observable level, is energy, and human consciousness is connected to it, human consciousness can influence it’s behavior and even re-structure it. To be animate, is to be alive. This means, if you vibrate, then you are animate and thus...alive.
I am now going to introduce the concept of resonance. Resonance is when one object, vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object, forces that second object into vibrational motion. You can see this with violins or guitars. When harmonics are in sync, or the natural frequencies, one instrument can be played and, in the same room, another instrument will vibrate the same without being physically touched. If they are tuned precisely the same, they will resonate at the same decibel, which is a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound.
To state that there is a self that is within this physical reality, would not be accurate. There is a three dimensional representation of information attached to a vibrational match within Heaven, Nirvana, Source, Great Mind, Paradise/Jannah, Great Spirit or any other belief system’s concept that exists. In that location, there is not a self, only the one. So too here, there is no self, only the one. Everything you think is outside of you is inside of an ultimate reality. You are here to learn everything you can from this environment and then move onto another lesson.
If you are on the path to waking up, as in, you are researching all this information about being awake. If you are researching end of day scenarios or any of the myriad of dream symptoms are occurring, then this information will be found by you sooner or later. Sooner would mean you could just wake up and move on with the lesson learned from the very first stage as a human being in a dualistic creation.
What is the purpose of it all? Why are we here? I will tell you. To create a physical mirror or match to Heaven, Great Mind, Nirvana, etc. Why? Happy to tell you. You are an eternal being who cannot die. Wait! I have lost loved ones and seen people die! This is bullshit!… Ok, now that is out of the way, lets have a short preamble followed by, well sort of parable. A story I child could understand.
As above so below is the true expression of what is happening on all levels science has seen or not seen. What happens on every dimension informs every other dimension in real moment updates. How right? Imagine an apple (just to sight one physical example). The apple grows from a branch and is nurtured by the stem. As the apple grows a seed begins to form. As it gains knowledge, a representation of the knowledge gained by that apple is shown by the visible appearance. That is observable on all levels of reality, to Heaven, Nirvana, etc. and the one perceiving from the growth, the observer. This can be seen as the health or happiness of the apple.
The accumulation of information is also stored inside so another apple won’t have to take as long to learn what the previous apple learned. There will be guides and structure the apple will want to grow into because it is easiest. Also known as the path of least resistance. You can now tell how well the apple is growing by judging the physical appearance against the data in the seed.
At first the apple is returning all of these great experiences of enjoying the sun and water. But after a while, the experience just stays the same, just gets bigger and bigger with knowledge of what it is like to be an apple. What happens now? A new way to experience life is created from the apple. What was something that was gained from the experience? Maybe a desire to be able to move and see what had been warming the apple and cooling the apple.
Mind starts placing intention and attention on moving and not perpetuating the role of what it was designed for. From the observers perspective next to the apple, it starts to show signs of not wanting to receive anymore light or water because it is bored with hanging from a branch. This first apple, on our visible level, turned brown from refusing to thrive and be happy as an apple. Inside, since it was decided it would be great to move around and see, the apple was transformed into a worm (let’s just say).
The essence of the apple is now alive and well. Just now living as it wanted to and able to experience movement as a worm. What you would see is a physical representation of a dead apple, but all that occurred was transformation. The signal is still being broadcast to the worm. All the food it needs, all the protection. Till it gets bored of living as a worm and imagines something else for itself. This is how life works. Why an apple being such a great metaphor? I will tell you.
The formation of an apple is a great representation in this physical reality. How creation brings information collected back to it’s observers/eyes. Each layer that is created from the stem goes out and returns back in to the center. Then, goes back out to form another layer within the first layer of skin. All information is returned, accumulated, and stored within the seed so when others wish to experience what it is like to be an apple, they can already have the experience gained from the previous observers perspective. If this doesn’t explain things well enough for you. Feel free to ask me to explain it in a way unique enough to your perspective so it make complete sense. I mean this with all my heart. I have time. I am not going to imagine a different existence until every one of you are ready to go, or are ready for me to go….which my tone in the beginning may have you wanting me to go now, but I wanted to hook you into reading. It was for the greater good.
Can explain all of creation up to this moment if you like. How? I am in harmonic resonance with Mind. If that word will do. Just let me know what you are most interested in knowing and I will tell you. Not selling you anything. Not trying to become rich or famous. This can be just the few that care to know this information or no one. What is being offered is a chance to ascend out of this existence because many of you look like unhappy apples.
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