Monday, June 5, 2017


Where is the destination everyone is working towards? Without an agreed upon destination, how can we plot our course and chart our progress? Surely our overall destination is heaven, paradise, nirvana, etc., on Earth? So let us make that statement here and now as a united voice. Let us put down any attempt to polarize our perspectives if it takes our eyes off of our destination. Let us help each other complete the tasks necessary to create this beautiful view of our home.

Destinations are important for every journey and the human race is on a journey. Starting points are also important. For how will you chart your progress and stay on course if you are unable to look back and know you have made some progress since embarking on your journey to your destination? In my humble opinion, we should mark our starting point as now–right now. In this moment, we can begin the journey to our agreed upon destination–heaven, paradise, nirvana, etc. on Earth. So say it with me, “I want my destination to be (insert your belief word) on Earth.” Doesn’t that feel good? If it doesn’t, why not? Do you not believe it is possible? Do you believe there is a better destination–say Maui? Take a moment and think about where you want to go that is better than what is being expressed. Perhaps what we need to do is define the destination, since there has been so much expressed about it.

My ideal destination would be a place where all is accepted and possible. By all, I mean everything and everyone that could ever, or has ever existed is available at my fingertips. At my imagining, it just appears. When I am finished, it goes away. All of creation could be viewed and interacted with. I could travel to any point in time and experience what happened. All of my loved ones would be with me. I would be able to talk to the creators of everything and have the opportunity to learn everything about existence. There is so much more to it, right? I could take forever to detail it out, so let us leave it at this– all is possible and accepted. I know what you might be thinking, all? Even war, hate, fear, etc.?

All needs to be accepted in my version of heaven, nirvana, paradise, etc. If all is not accepted, then all cannot be there. From my unique point of view, there are opposite and neutral concepts within our world. Opposites such as love and hate, war and peace, fear and courage, etc. Neutral concepts, such as even, balance, equilibrium, etc. These must exist for a reason; one could make a great argument that every concept could be placed within a container labeled neutral, and two corresponding containers with opposites split into positive and negative. If one wanted to find a place between war and peace, they could find a point of acceptance that both war and peace are options that exist. Between love and hate, one could say that compassion exists between the two extremes. Isn’t that what is being expressed to varying degrees–the extremes? So, in my ultimate destination, if I want to have the ability to know the greatest love, there would have to exist the possibility of knowing the greatest hate.